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Like us, you probably only wash as a last resort. That same logic can work for your jeans, which we only recommend washing after the first six months of wear. 
From jackets to jeans, you can use our Care Guide to enhance the longevity of your Thirteen County Denim goods.

Did you know?

Thirteen County Denim has been crafted for you through the sanforizing process. They’ve been treated to hinder any excess shrinkage. It also helps retain the structure and colour of you denim, helping it to last.

0-6 months.

6 months onwards.

1. In the wash.

2. Denim detergent.

3. Drying the denim.

4. And, take care.

To get the best from your jeans, we recommend not washing them for the first six months to earn that natural patina worn-in look.

In the meantime? The Lab Co Denim Mist is an ideal fabric refresher to start you on your journey. 

If you really want to, here’s how to wash them.

Some things are best left alone. That includes your jeans when you’re washing them. Be mindful that denim dye can bleed, and it doesn’t wash well with others.

Remember to turn them inside out when you’re washing them. It’ll help the detergent reach those dirty bits.

Of course we’re only going to recommend the best. 

The Denim Detergent's renegade formulation protects cotton fibres, whilst locking in colour. At the same time, the precise blend of cleaning and conditioning agents ensure the denim maintains its original shape ideal for the denim connoisseurs. A premium products that denim lovers can rely on and recognise.

The best thing you can do is let the wind do the work for you. Hang them outside in the breeze until they’re almost dry. Slight dampness gives a little give, so that you can put them on and stretch them back to fit your shape.

You’ve invested in our jeans which are now a part of your journey. 

Give them a chance to fade, and see how they travel and grow with you.

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